Sunset Celebration

Street Performers Now Appearing at Sunset Celebration

Street Performers Appearing at Sunset

Sunset has a variety buskers appearing nightly nightly in Key West including jugglers, escape artists, musicians, magicians, tight rope walkers and other colorful acts. These unique street performers ensure that Sunset Celebration ranks high on the list of Key West tourist attractions.

Over here, a show!
Will Soto

Will's juggling and high wire act have been entertaining crowds for over 30 years at Sunset Celebration. A must see if you visit sunset in Key West.

Will Soto walks the Tight Rope

Dennis Riley

The "Southernmost Bagpiper" can be heard at the south west end of Mallory Square Dock.

The Southernmost Bagpiper

Bible Bill

Rev. Bill Welzein preaches to the crowds at Sunset Celebration.

Bible Bill

Dale the Sword Swallower

Watch Dale as he sticks it down his throat.


D. W. Blademaster


Everyone enjoys the Island ballads of the great Mustafa, guitarist and vocalist extraordinaire.



Ridin' High on the Unicylce


Local Key West performer thrill crowds with knives and torches.

Dr. Juice- The Calypso Tumbler

Dr. Juice will astound you with his display of aerial acrobatics. This tumbling act is fun for the whole family and souldn't be missed while attending Sunset Celebration.

The Calypso Tumbler

Dave Vizard

Entertaining the masses with pop tunes


Guitarist Dave

Jeep and LottyMo

Vaudevillian Jeep plays hillbilly songs on his banjo while his dog retrieves tips from the crowd!

Jeep and Mo
The Red Trouser Show

Fire juggling, acrobatics, comedy and a handstand 20 feet in the air!

Dominique the Cat Man

Come and see his new Kitties at the tightrope. What a stunt!!!!

Dominique- The Famous Catman

Note, performers usually don't work seven days a week at Sunset so the list changes from sunset to sunset.

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Cultural Preservation Society, P.O. Box 4837, Key West, FL 33041
786 565 7448